Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Entitlement Programs

I heard it on the CBS Morning News this morning:

"60% of the Federal budget spending goes to entitlement programs."

Are you getting your fair share?  Did you or are you paying your fair share????

BTW --- In my opinion, CBS at least tries to be a news program, whereas NBC Today Show is mostly entertainment, entertainment related, or Matt Lauer and Company trying to show us all what tough interviewers they are -- regardless of whether they are learning any truth.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Here is what makes me angry now!

I keep reading these "factual editorials" that say something to the effect that "The Republicans now have to wake up and realize that they lost the election, which is a clear indication that they are wrong and have to make fundamental changes and get in tune with the country.  They have to accept that we the liberals are right."   and on and on!!!

Hold on!!!  Republicans still control the House and if you look at a county by county presidential election results map, you will see that by far the geographic majority of the country voted Republican red.

I don't know where I got this, except "on the web."
Therefore, I cannot provide attribution.

The densely populated areas voted Democrat blue.  So who lives there??

Food for thought for you from the chair.