Friday, September 28, 2012

Fiscal Cliffs and Financial Armageddon

“Fiscal cliff” is a term often used to describe the conundrum that the U.S. government will face at the end of 2012.

Basically we can have tax increases and spending cuts or we can have smaller tax increases and fewer spending cuts and just borrow more to make up the difference, thus going even deeper into debt than we are now.  (Some call the first choice the fiscal cliff while others argue that the either/or choice is the cliff.)

The first choice increases the possibility of a recession because it will depress economic growth.  The second choice increases the likelihood of a financial crisis similar to that being experienced by some European countries, most notably Greece.  (Though others are not far behind.)

Or we can adopt a compromise position to avoid toppling over the cliff.  It will have to involve spending cuts. 

Armageddon, according to the Bible is the site of an epic battle as the end of the world approaches.  It is now often used to refer to any end of the world or end of an era event.  The 1998 movie of the same name starts with this theme.

Thus, I use the term Financial Armageddon to denote the end of the United States financial system as we know it today.  A growing number of economists are writing that we cannot sustain our economy (and perhaps our whole country) with the ever growing public debt.  Someone needs to be paid interest and someone needs to be repaid for the billions and billions (read that as trillions) of dollars we are spending as a country.

When this will catch up is open for debate, but catch up it will.  Greece, Spain and other countries are in the midst of their financial Armageddon right now.  It is not an abstract concept!! It is important that we elect those who understand the importance of not continuing to increase our public debt.

 But. and here is the kicker, because our public debt is already so great, even the first choice (which can lead to recession) could ultimately also plunge us into a Greek style financial crisis.

We need a skilled leader and economic policy makers who have some plan other than continuing to throw money at the problem via bailouts to get us out of this mess.

----rich borglum September 2012

CLICK Here    for BBC News - France set for 'toughest budget in 30 years'
[from the BBC website September 28, 2012]

New York Times: Hunger on the Rise in Spain -- click here

Note the cause, as written in this paragraph
As Spain tries desperately to meet its budget targets, it has been forced to embark on the same path as Greece, introducing one austerity measure after another, cutting jobs, salaries, pensions and benefits, even as the economy continues to shrink

I had asked my friend, Mike Watson, an "amateur economist," to review this before it was published, however he is ultra busy right now.  Before he became a "concrete technical guru" Mike was an economics student in the Masters program at Iowa State University.  His comments and corrections will follow when he has time.


My other friend, Robert McCusker, publishes the blog "The Friday Follies" and has done so for ten years.  A great deal of it is humor, including political humor, but there is usually at least one serious opinion piece, such as that below.  It struck me as some information you may be able to use in discussions with "nonbelievers."

CLICK to go to the Follies

"The economy is collapsing. Our embassies are being overrun.
Our diplomats are being murdered, and our own government is blaming it on the First Amendment.
And Obama doesn’t know what to do about any of it, except for his usual plan of lying. So he and his enablers in the media hope you’ll be distracted by Romney’s “gaffe” of criticizing the Democrats’ strategy.
They hope you’ll be offended that Romney pointed out what the Dems have been telling you your whole life:
You need the government to provide for you, and you can’t go a single day without a handout. They hope you’re as credulous as the people who voted for them last time."
~ Jim Treacher


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

He is such a nice guy

After I started thinking about this post, Dennis Clayson published a similar piece in the Waterloo (Iowa) Courier on Sunday September 9, 2012.  He dealt with plumbers, not doctors, but the effect is the same.  And your thought should be the same --- "No More Mister Nice Guy" 

Dennis Clayson is a marketing professor at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) who is a 'must read' for me every Sunday in the Courier. You can find his weekly opinion on-line.  He always writes interesting and provocative columns.           

Click Here For Clayson

 Click to see a YouTube video of "No More Mr. Nice Guy" by Alice Cooper

Here is another fanciful story from the never idle mind of RB.

Would you pick a doctor because he was such a nice guy ... or because he could make you well?   Oh sure, he tells you that everything is going to be OK, because you have chosen him for your doctor.  And he would not tell you you are going to have to do hard things .... like eating differently, or exercising more ... or even endure some pain to get  better.   Those things will  happen to the "other guy" but not to you.

He holds your hand and pats you on the shoulder and says stick with him and you will be well before you  know it.

However you notice that you are not getting much better and he has been treating you for over three years now.   You begin to think .....  maybe it is time to change doctors and really start to get well.  But you have been leading this nice comfortable life style for so long now ....
it does not demand too much effort from you.  Still, you are not getting any better.

Of course you know that if you are not taking care of yourself now and ignoring the warning signs that things will only get worse in the future.

So you start asking and are told that this other doctor.... his friends call him "mittens"... has reputation for getting things done. He has been very successful and has made a lot of money.

"Do you really want somebody with that much money treating you," says a friend.  But you think, he must have made a lot of money because he knew what he was doing.  Another friend says "did you ever notice how mechanical he seems .... just like a big wind up doll".  Maybe that means he is organized and thinking and just is really on task, you think ...  or maybe he is just like that.   or maybe????  He is known for treating people who have real problems.

What is that TV doctor  -- the one that is a real SOB ... Dr. House, yes that's it.  He is good too (on TV ),  but who would want a guy like that for a doctor.

So this 'mittens' guy... no "bedside manner" -- stiff and programmed.  When he wears blue jeans it looks like he must think they are a bad Halloween costume.

But still, maybe you should go to him.  He has a proven record.  

This doctor you have now has not even found out what your problem is yet, let alone a cure.  He just keeps throwing pills at it....(like just throwing money at a problem) and hoping it will go away.  Oh .... he is throwing money at your illness, because you have to pay for all those pills .... not him.  He is throwing your money at your illness, without results!

Well  ...  time for a change.  See you on "doctor election day".

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Mitt Romney's statement that 47% pay no income tax is seemingly not in dispute. But when Obama "sympathizers" then say that over 28% do pay payroll taxes (plus the 47%) , they are trying to spread smoke so they can muddy the waters.       Ahhhhhh   payroll taxes        But just what are payroll taxes???   The primary payroll tax is the social security and medicare "contribution" toward retirement and medical care paid by wage earners.  Their employers also have to make an equal contribution.  In fact, for 2011 and 2012, employers are paying 6.2% for social security, while employees are paying only 4.2%.  Both pay 1.45% of all wages for Medicare.

If 28% pay payroll taxes, just how much do they pay?  Since that seems to be a figure the sympathizers hang onto, I would guess that it includes all people, including some who earn very little and hence pay little "payroll tax."  Technically, if a person works even 20 hours in a year, that person pays payroll taxes.  If you are paid wages, it is pretty hard to escape payroll taxes.

Even more damaging to their argument is that payroll taxes are not income taxes and do not go into any type of general fund like income taxes.  (Not withstanding PresO's movement of social security &  medicare money to general funds to pay for Obamacare.)

BTW ----- I have been analyzing PresO and Romney's Income Tax releases.  PresO includes payroll taxes in his calculation of total tax rate he pays.  Take that away and his paid tax rate is less than 4% higher that Romney's.

Mr. Romney was "caught" saying that 47% pay no income taxes and that they would likely not vote for him.  This is true and since that 47% percentage is likely to continue to grow as a percentage of Americans, this is indeed the last statistical chance for voting for a fiscally honest & realistic president.  People are not dumb.  They are not going to kick the gift horse in the mouth by voting for (fiscally prudent) Mitt Romney.  But we need to vote for him and to urge all those who are undecided and pay income tax to vote for him.

Coming Soon to a computer near you:  
Fiscal Cliffs and Financial Armageddon.

Click this to see what Wikipedia says about payroll taxes

Monday, September 17, 2012

Yesterday I secured the website

It is my intent to put some content there "real soon now".  In the meantime, keep coming back here for more developments, including chair photos and a chance to get instructions to make your own "empty chair."

Mine is painted red, white, and blue, but not yet assembled.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Make Your Own Chair

You see, I was lying in bed early this morning, thinking.  It was too early to get up, but too late to go back to sleep.  So I decided I should make an "empty chair" for our front lawn.  My wife is out of town for the weekend and I want to have it done and in place before she gets back tomorrow.

This will be a full size chair, made from pine boards-- 2 and 4 inches wide.  Then I will paint it, then label it it--- something like PresO or Barack or something clever like that.

What's going on here?

This is the inaugural post for this political blog, which takes it's name from Clint Eastwood's now famous speech at the RNC.   Soon i will be adding pictures of chairs.