Friday, November 9, 2012

Tears for our once great nation

My friend Walt received this letter written by a relative of his on Wednesday morning.  I have been given permission to include it in One Empty Chair. 


Subject: Tears for our once great nation

Dear friends,

Sadly, yesterday, this country re-elected a gutter dog instead of a world leader.  Americans have re-elected a President that is intent on bringing America to its knees - one who prefers the company of Putin and Chavez over credible world leaders. Don't be fooled by his words, pay close attention to his actions - the real indicator of the condition of his heart.  His actions demonstrate his undeniable contempt for this country and those who worked hard and sacrificed to make it great.

I am deeply saddened by the choice America has made and it is clear to me that we are now firmly set on a path for a forever divided and weak nation - a divide between the takers and the givers, entitlements vs capitalism, a nation where the are no losers or winners.  American exceptionalism has seen its best days. The day has come when the takers now outweigh the givers. This nation is slowly killing the goose that lays the golden egg and no amount of quantitative easing will fix this problem or replace the capitalist engine. The liberal encroachments on our freedom, as infiltrated throughout the public school system and overly biased media, have finally won.  We are raising up a generation of lawless individuals - a generation of illegal immigrants who are afforded the same rights and benefits of legal American citizens. The constitution means nothing to the America hating President, it is merely an old document that is no longer relevant or helpful to his cause. We all know we are on financial path that cannot be sustained - Medicaid and social security trusts have been robbed - unfunded liabilities can never be paid back. 

The culture of "me first" will come to an abrupt end one day and the further we drift from sound biblical principles, the faster we move towards spiritual death which will be the ultimate and final demise of this great country. The character, strength and work ethic....traits that made this country great are no longer valued.  The endless potential in our lives - known as the American dream has vanished - replaced by a government that decides what dreams should look like and how they should be achieved.  The cancer, also known as liberalism, has now metastasized.

Please pray for this great nation today: (1) pray that good will triumph over evil; (2) pray that light will shine where darkness exists; (3) pray that this country embraces sound biblical principles rather than a "me first" philosophy; and (4) pray for our leaders!


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