Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How we teach our children about money

by BO

MO and I have two daughters who are at the age where they need to seriously learn about about managing their money.

We use the federal government and the way I want to run it, as our basis for teaching.

Basically, what we tell our daughters is that if they spend more than we give them for an allowance, all they have to do is to go find some "rich kid" and tell him that he (she) has to give them some of his money 'cause he has more than he deserves.

If you spend all that, just go tell the rich kid you need more.  If she refuses, tell her you will get congress to pass a law.

Our girls don't need to learn anything about financial restraint, because they can always get more when they demonstrate a need for it.  And their "demonstration" does not have to be very good.  BTW, we don't expect them to do anything demeaning like household chores.  Oh no, just being alive is enough to get money whenever they want it.

MO and I realize our approach is not shared by many of our friends and political associates, but it is the new way---- our way.

yours truly


The Chair thought Monday night debate was a draw.  Mitt did what he had to do.  "Create no openings"    It is like a football game where the team that is leading as the end of the game approaches needs to play a strong defensive game.  Momentum is on Romney's side ---  so do nothing to derail it.   The buzz in Florida is that BO needs to do something to close the gap.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Romney-Obama debate October 16, 2012

The chair declares it a draw. 

Some criticized Romney for not going after BO more strongly on Libya, but it seemed to me that he had to show restraint lest he be viewed as "too hard" on the media darling.

One strong win and one draw so far.

Not too bad!!!

Watch for the explanation of how BO & MO teach their daughters about money management.  Coming soon to a monitor near you. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Ryan-Biden Debate

Hi to all of you out in cyberland

My name is Joe B and I am out to make a fool of myself in tonight's debate.  I hope you like my teeth, cause I am going to show you them a lot tonight.  All my liberal friends, including many in the media, will tell you that I won the debate at the end of the night.  But much of  the American public will  conclude  that they are not comfortable with having me only one heartbeat away from being president.  I can just see ol' Barry  (that is easier for me to say than Barack) squirming when he watches me trying to belittle young Mr Ryan.  I will call Ryan my "friend" a lot and openly sneer when he is talking and shake my head and roll my eyes and even laugh out loud.  (that is LOL to you kids under my age of nearly 70 out there.)

Then I will interrupt him and just generally try to get him rattled by my obvious superiority. I mean I am not just older, but I am wiser, and I have nicer teeth.  The viewing public will get to see all that tonight.  It is true that I am generally knowledgeable about most of the issues we will be discussing, but I am going to let my demeanor overshadow that.  I am not going to be rude, but I suppose there will be those few on the fringe that will think I am.

The ones I really want to get to are the undecided voters....the ones we need to  persuade to vote for me and Barry.   They will see my obvious superiority over that young cub.  I don't care if he does stay calm and on track.  I don't care if he does have facts and figures just like mittens did when he debated Barry.  My charm and good looks and nice white teeth will win them over.  You just watch.  So what if I am derisive and disrespectful.  I am the king and everyone will know when I get done humiliating him.  You watch.  You will see.

If you don't like what you see tonight, you can just take your vote and go someplace else.  I sure hope Barry appreciates what I am going to do for him after his dismal performance against Mitt Romney.  I will get that Ryan kid with my smirk!!  It is my ultimate weapon!  He will just fold up when he sees that!!


The BBC website said-  "Mr Biden may have won on points, perhaps, but his manner may have put off some undecided voters.
He was stronger, more agressive, more certain of his position- but chuckled, smiled, laughed, grinned at his opponent in a way that was certainly condescending and some will have found irritating."

A number of polls after the debate gave the edge to Ryan, but Biden is credited with "doing his strategic job" of providing much needed energy to the Obama campaign.

 Here is photo from