Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thunder in the West

I heard it last night.  At first I thought it was a train approaching from the West.  (We live near the tracks of an Illinois Central  "farm route" which deadends in Minnesota, so we have about one train a day).

But no, it was not a train.  It was the sound from Denver of Mitt Romney's debate win over PresO.

Most reasonably impartial observers are calling Mr. Romney the winner of last nights presidential debate.  My wife, who likes Romney's politics but not his image, called it a draw, with an edge to Romney.  Though committed to voting for Romney, she was one of those who had (has) a soft spot for PresO (PO) because he is "so nice."  Last night helped move her further into the Romney camp because he seemed "real", even if not "real nice."

(But, she did not like Romney's smile as he watched PO talk.  Personally, I thought PO, when he put his head down while Romney was talking, looked like a school boy who had been caught and was being reprimanded by his teacher.)

To the extent that my wife represents those who needed to be won over or solidified by the debate, Mr Romney did his job!

No more Mr. Nice Guy!     (see post of Sept 19)

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